This morning, while we scoured the shelves of the thrift store and waded through the copious amounts of children's books (thank you, Value Village!), I found this:

I had never heard of it, but it looked old and vintage-y and was about sewing, and it was only 20 cents (20 cents, people!), so I snatched it up. It looks delightfully fun and I can't wait to delve into it. I don't think it's a new-meant-to-look-old thing; I think it's genuinely old. If I had any doubts, they were put to rest when I found tucked inside two leaflets. One is Butterick says LEARN HOW TO SEW the easy way (also no publication date) and one is Sewing Tips from Sears Fabric Department (ditto). The leaflets also look to be old; the Sears leaflet has an address for the Sears store that's in uptown Charlotte, and I know it is definitely not there anymore and hasn't been since I've lived here, so it has to have been closed for a while. Plus, when did Sears ever have fabric departments?

Maybe I was born in the wrong era.


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